The History of Asbestos

The word "asbestos" is derived from the Greek language. The Greeks admired the "miracle mineral" because of its softness and flexibility and its ability to withstand heat. The Greeks used asbestos much like cotton, spinning and weaving it into cloth. Asbestos was not widely available anywhere in the world until the late 1800s, when major deposits were found in Canada. Thereafter, asbestos was used to make thermal insulation for boilers, pipes, and other high temperature applications, and was also used as a fireproofing and reinforcement material.
During World Wars I and II, the military used asbestos extensively in ships and other applications. Commercial usages of asbestos in buildings increased greatly thereafter, but growing concerns about the health risks associated with asbestos exposure resulted in a voluntary reduction in the use of asbestos beginning in the 1970s.

Characteristics of Asbestos

Asbestos is comprised of a group of natural minerals. Unlike other minerals, however, the crystals of asbestos form long, thin fibers. Asbestos deposits are found throughout the world, but the primary sites of commercial asbestos production are Canada, Russia, and South Africa. Commercial mining of asbestos in the United States was halted in the 1980s. Once extracted from the earth, asbestos-containing rock is crushed, milled (or ground), and graded. This produces long, thread-like fibers of material. What appears to the naked eye as a single fiber is actually a bundle of hundreds or thousands of fibers, each of which can be divided even further into tiny fibers (fibrils), invisible without the aid of a microscope.

Asbestos materials are divided into two groups -- serpentine and amphibole. All asbestos in the serpentine group is called Chrysotile. This is the most common type of asbestos found in buildings in the United States, accounting for approximately 95 percent of the asbestos found in the nation's buildings. It is commonly known as "white asbestos" because of its natural color.

The amphibole group contains five types of asbestos. Amosite, the second most common type of asbestos found in buildings in the United States, is often referred to as "brown asbestos" for the color of the natural mineral. Crocidolite, or "blue asbestos" has been used in high-temperature insulation products and on chemical resistant surfaces, such as laboratory tables for chemistry and biology classes (upon occasion, the custodial staff will drill holes in table tops for new fixtures without realizing that the material may contain Crocidolite. The remaining three types of asbestos in the amphibole group -- Anthophyllite, Tremolite, and Actinolite -- are rare and have little commercial value. They are occasionally found as contaminants or minor constituents in asbestos-containing materials.

Uses of Asbestos

Asbestos has been used in thousands of products, largely because it is plentiful, readily available, cheap, strong, does not burn, conducts heat and electricity poorly, and is resistant to chemical corrosion. Products made with asbestos are often referred to as asbestos-containing materials (ACM). Asbestos proved particularly useful in the construction industry. Building materials that contain asbestos are referred to as asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM). Commercial usage of asbestos products in the construction industry was most common from about 1945 to 1980.

Some of the most common uses of ACBM include:

  • Fireproofing material -- Usually spray-applied to steel beams used in construction of multi-story buildings to prevent structural members from warping or collapsing in the event of fire.
  • Insulation material -- Usually spray-applied, trowel-applied, or manually installed after being preformed to fit surfaces such as pipes for thermal insulation and condensation control.
  • Acoustical or soundproofing material -- Trowel or spray-applied. May also be used for decoration. Asbestos was mixed with other materials and sprayed onto ceilings and walls to produce a soft, textured look.
  • Miscellaneous materials -- Asbestos has been added to asphalt, vinyl, cement and other materials to make products like roofing felts, exterior siding and roofing shingles, wallboard, pipes for water supply, combustion vents, and flues for waste gases and heat.

    Fibers in asbestos cement, asphalt, and vinyl materials are usually firmly bound into materials in good condition and typically will be released only if the material is damaged mechanically -- for example through drilling, cutting, grinding, or sanding. In addition, asbestos in roofing shingles and siding exposed to weathering may slowly deteriorate and has the potential to release fibers.

    Examples of the more common ACBM found in buildings are flooring, vinyl base, mastic, roofing materials, gaskets in heating and air-conditioning equipment, ceiling panels and tiles, wallboard, joint compound, plaster, pipe and boiler insulation, duct-wrap insulation, duct joint tape, duct vibration dampening cloth, fireproofing on structural members, fire brick for boilers, fire doors, acoustical spray-on, cement pipes, and panels.

    Friable vs. Nonfriable ACBM

    Friable ACBM will release fibers into the air more readily than nonfriable ACBM. Friable ACBM can be defined as material that may be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry. Friable ACBM also includes previously nonfriable material when it becomes damaged to the extent that when dry it may it may be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
    NOTE: Undamaged non-friable ACBM should be treated as friable if any action performed on the materials will make them friable.

    Categories of Asbestos-Containing Building Materials

    The EPA identifies three categories of ACBM:

  • Surfacing Materials -- Interior ACBM that has been sprayed on, troweled on, or otherwise applied to surfaces (structural members, walls, ceilings, etc.) for acoustical, decorative, fireproofing, or other purposes. This includes acoustical plaster, hard plasters (wall or ceiling), fireproofing insulation, spray-applied or blown-in thermal material, joint or patching compound (wall or ceiling), and textured paints or plasters.
  • Thermal System Insulation -- Insulation used to control heat transfer or prevent condensation on pipes and pipe fittings, boilers, breeching, tanks, ducts, and other parts of hot and cold water systems; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; or other mechanical systems. These insulation materials include pipe lagging, pipe wrap, HVAC duct insulation, block insulation, cements and muds, and a variety of other products such as gaskets and ropes.
  • Miscellaneous Materials -- Other, mostly nonfriable products and materials found on structural components, structural members or fixtures, such as floor tile, ceiling tile, construction mastic for floor and ceiling materials, sheet flooring, fire doors, asbestos cement pipe and board, wallboard, acoustical wall tile, and vibration damping cloth. "Miscellaneous materials" do not include thermal system insulation or surfacing materials.

    NOTE: Batt, blanket, and blown-in insulation should be placed in one of the above categories according to use.

    Health Effects Associated with Asbestos Exposure

    The health effects associated with asbestos exposure have been studied for many years. Results of these studies show that inhalation (breathing in) of asbestos fibers leads to increased risk of developing several diseases. Exactly why some people develop these diseases remains a mystery, but it has been well demonstrated that most asbestos-related illnesses are dose-response related (i.e., the greater the exposure to airborne asbestos fibers, the greater the risk of developing an illness).

    Relative Hazards of Asbestos Exposure

    Almost daily, we are exposed to some prevailing level of asbestos fibers in buildings or experience some existing level in the outdoor air. Some fibers that are inhaled remain in the lungs. Brief "bursts" of exposure, when added to the background level, increase the potential to cause or trigger the development of an asbestos related disease. These brief bursts of exposure occur in many ways. For example, when a carpenter drills a hole in an asbestos fire door without taking any precautions, an increased amount of asbestos may be released into the air. The more often these bursts of exposure occur, the greater the risk of breathing asbestos fibers.

    People most at risk for this additional exposure are maintenance and construction workers who work on and disturb asbestos in buildings. This clearly demonstrates the need for an active asbestos policy and an ongoing operations and maintenance (O&M) plan for buildings that contain ACBM.

    It is important to recognize that the majority of people who have developed diseases because of asbestos exposures are former asbestos workers. These workers were frequently exposed to high levels of asbestos fibers each working day, with little or no protection. Today's asbestos maintenance workers and asbestos abatement workers are trained to follow specific work practices and wear appropriate protection, including respirators, to minimize the risk of exposure. However, increased risk may occur when a worker who does not use a respirator or follow specific work practices disturbs any ACBM.

    The Respiratory System

    The effects of asbestos exposure most often involve the lungs. Air breathed into the body passes through the mouth and nose, continuing into the windpipe. The windpipe divides into smaller and smaller tubes that end up in the lungs as air sacs called alveoli. It is in these air sacs that respiration occurs. Oxygen is absorbed into tiny blood vessels (or capillaries), and waste gases, such as carbon dioxide, pass out of the blood and are exhaled.

    The body has several mechanisms to "filter" the air it breathes. First, large particles are removed in the nose and mouth. Many smaller particles are caught on the mucus-coated walls of the airway tubes. These airways have "hairy" linings (ciliate cells) that constantly propel mucus upward. Particles caught in the mucus are swept up into the back of the mouth. From here they are swallowed or expelled (spit out). Unfortunately, cigarette smoking temporarily paralyzes these hair-like cells, disabling one of the body's natural defenses against unwanted dust or fibers.

    Despite natural bodily defenses, some dust particles inevitably reach the tiny air sacs in the lungs. When this occurs the human immune system dispatches large cells called macrophages to engulf the particles and "digest" them. These cells deposit a coating on the particles and may begin forming scar tissue around them. This is just another natural defense mechanism the body uses against unwanted debris in the lungs.

    Asbestos-Related Diseases

    If the body's defenses fail to control or remove asbestos fibers that enter the lungs, the risk of developing an asbestos-related disease increases. Asbestos-related diseases include asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other cancers.

  • Asbestosis -- Asbestosis is a disease characterized by lung scarring. It reduces lung elasticity -- the ability to inhale and exhale in response to muscular contractions of the diaphragm -- and makes breathing very difficult. Asbestosis is most common among workers who have been exposed to large amounts of asbestos fibers over a period of time. It is a serious disease and, in those persons exposed to high levels of asbestos, can eventually lead to disability or death. All forms of asbestos are suspected to have the potential to cause asbestosis. Like all diseases associated with asbestos exposure, it may take many years for the disease to show up. The typical latency period for asbestosis is 15 to 30 years. Available data indicate that the frequency of occurrence of asbestosis rises and the disease worsens with increasing asbestos exposure. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Asbestos Standards were developed to minimize the incidence of asbestosis among asbestos workers by reducing their exposure to asbestos.
  • Lung Cancer -- As with asbestosis, there appears to be a dose-response relationship between asbestos exposure and lung cancer. In addition, lung cancer arising from asbestos exposure also has a latency period before development -- typically 30 years or longer. The risk of contracting lung cancer as a result of exposure to asbestos increases if the worker is a cigarette smoker. Cigarette smokers who are exposed to asbestos are over 50 times more likely to develop lung cancer than the normal, non-smoking population. As a result, a program to help workers stop smoking and an asbestos operations and maintenance program will help reduce the risk of lung cancer among asbestos maintenance workers.
  • Mesothelioma -- Mesothelioma is a cancer that occurs in the chest cavity lining or in the lining of the abdominal (stomach) lining. This type of cancer spreads rapidly and is always fatal. Cases of mesothelioma have been found in people who have had a limited exposure to asbestos. The onset of this disease appears to be independent of smoking behavior but related to dose and to time from first known asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma tends to have a long latency period -- usually 30 to 40 years.
  • Other Diseases -- Several other diseases seem to occur more frequently among people who have been exposed to asbestos. These include cancer of the esophagus, stomach, colon, and pancreas; pleural (fibrous) plaques; pleural thickening; and pleural effusion. The risks of contracting any of these diseases make it extremely important that asbestos maintenance workers utilize proper work practices and respiratory protection.

    Risks Associated with Low Exposure

    While studies of asbestos workers and laboratory animals clearly reveal that asbestos is hazardous, the risks associated with low-level, non-occupational exposure (i.e., an occupant of a building who is not actually disturbing the asbestos) have not been directly demonstrated. Estimating low-level risks from exposure data is not a straightforward process, and the validity of current methodologies is questionable.

    Based on a thorough review of the literature available on the health effects of asbestos, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has concluded that there is no level below which the risks of contracting an asbestos-related disease are zero. This means that there is no established safe level of exposure to asbestos.

    Key Points About Asbestos Health Risks

  • Asbestos-related diseases are dose-response related (the greater the exposure to airborne fibers, the greater the risk of developing an illness) and have a latency period (typically 15 to 30 years).
  • Exposure to asbestos may result in asbestosis (a disease characterized by lung scarring, which reduces the lungs' ability to function), lung cancer, mesothelioma (always-fatal cancer arising in the chest or abdominal cavity), and other diseases.
  • Risks associated with low-level, non-occupational exposure (e.g., a building occupant who is not actually disturbing the asbestos) are not well established. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has determined, however, that there is no established safe level of exposure.
  • Asbestos that has been identified will pose little risk if it is well maintained under an operations and maintenance program. EPA only requires asbestos removal to prevent significant public exposure to airborne asbestos fibers during building demolition or renovation activities.

    EPA Policy for Asbestos Control in Schools

    The EPA bases its policy for asbestos control in schools on the following premises:

  • Although asbestos is hazardous, the risk of asbestos-related disease depends upon exposure to airborne asbestos fibers.
  • Based upon available data, the average airborne asbestos levels in buildings seem to be very low. Accordingly, the health risk to most building occupants also appears to be very low.
  • Removal is often not a building owner's best course of action to reduce asbestos exposure. In fact, an improper removal can create a dangerous situation where none previously existed.
  • EPA only requires asbestos removal to prevent significant public exposure to airborne asbestos fibers during building demolition or renovation activities.
  • Asbestos that has been identified will pose little risk if it is well maintained under an operations and maintenance program. Improper operations and maintenance also can cause dangerous situations. Therefore, EPA requires a pro-active, in-place management program whenever ACBM is discovered and is not removed.